Gynecology Services
We provide a full range of gynecology services.
Abnormal Pap Smear: Evaluation and Treatment
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding: Evaluation and Management
Adolescent Gynecology – Your teen’s first pap smear; STD testing and counseling; painful periods (pelvic exam can be skipped if patient is < 21)
Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery and Gynecologic Surgery: including TLH (total laparoscopic hysterectomy) and LAVH (laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy)
Breast Problems: lumps, pain or tenderness, nipple discharge
Cancer Screening: including cervical, uterine, ovarian, breast and colon cancer screening
Contraception: including birth control pills (or patch), Nuva-Ring, Depo-Provera, Nexplanon, hormonal and non-hormonal IUD’s
Disorders of Libido: decreased interest in or desire for sexual activity
Excessive Hair Growth: Evaluation and Treatment
Fertility Evaluation and Treatment: (not including IVF)
Fibroids: medical treatment, surgical – including myomectomies and how to avoid hysterectomy
Gyn Ultrasound – transvaginal and transabdominal
Hormonal Evaluation including PMS, PMDD, PCOS, evaluation and management
Hormone Therapy: bio-identical or medical
HPV Testing and HPV Vaccine (Gardasil 9) for prevention of cervical cancer (approved for ages 9-45)
Hysteroscopy – using a scope to look inside the uterine cavity
Labiaplasty – reduction in size of labia minora (Dr. Jick)
Menopause and Pre-Menopause Evaluation and Treatment
Osteoporosis Screening, Evaluation and Treatment
Pelvic Pain or Pain with Intercourse
PMS – and severe PMS, also called PMDD (pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder)
Pre-pregnancy counseling: before attempting pregnancy, see us
Saline Infusion Ultrasound: specialized painless ultrasound method for examining inside the uterine cavity, also called sonohysterography (note, this is not a hysterosalpingogram – also called an HSG).
Sterilization: including laparoscopic sterilization and post-partum sterilization
Urinary Incontinence: Basic Evaluation and Treatment
Urinary Tract Infection: including frequent and/or recurrent UTI
Vaginal Infection or STD evaluation: including recurrent vaginal infections
Vaginal Laser Procedure: relief of painful intercourse and vaginal dryness with the Valayza (MonaLisa Touch) Procedure
Vaginal Surgery: vaginal hysterectomy, repair of uterine or bladder prolapse
Well-Woman care: Annual Gyn exam, Preventive Medicine, Pap Smears, HPV testing